Monday, November 30, 2009

How to put lip pots/palettes into lip balm container?

I'm not a big fan of lip balms/glosses in jars, pots or palettes. I was wondering if there is a way to like melt them down and put them into an empty lip balm/chap stick container? Or would that mess them up (like the formula or something) somehow? Thanks.How to put lip pots/palettes into lip balm container?
Depends on the consistency of the gloss in the pot. If it is pretty hard while at room temperature - then yes. It's a bit messy to do though. Don't microwave them! Try putting the jar/pot/palette in very hot (not boiling) water - careful not to let the water get inside. Once it gets melty, use a small make-up spatula to scoop it out and cram it into the empty tube. If it melts completely, you can pour it in but that may change the consistency of the gloss. Don't refrigerate for the same reason. Let it harden slowly at room temp. Again - it only works with a few types. Most pot glosses are in the the pots because they don't have enough wax in them to be in stick form.How to put lip pots/palettes into lip balm container?
They actually won't screw back up, (sorry) i tried it after i accidentally put it in the wash. If you have a container that you use your finger in it would work but it sounds like that's what you don't like.
I think it would end up as a huge mess, but you know what? Go to CVS and buy some cheap lip balm in a little pot and try it!

Then you can try with more expensive ones...

But is it REALLY worth it???
i think it would mess the formula up because they are getting melted..but idk..because they get melted in your pocket or in a hot car or sumthing..and sumtimes they wont stiffen back up
i dont think it will mess it up!
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